OS3-5 Electromagnetic Disturbance Levels in Healthcare Facilities located near to Broadcasting Station

The essential performance of Medical Electrical Equipment (MEE) can be compromised by electromagnetic disturbances present in the various environments where equipment are used. Many paper was published about electromagnetic evaluation on healthcare facilities, therefore, none of them show data about Brazilian hospitals, mainly it located in broadcasting station area, like Av. Paulista in São Paulo. In order to know the individual contribution of broadcasting station, the measurements were performed by narrow band techniques using a spectrum analyzer. The highest value found in a surgery room one of the hospitals was 1,11 V/m, provide from FM station. The electromagnetic disturbance levels in hospital critical area from FM radio and TV stations, evaluated by measurements, are lower than MEE immunity level requirement, resulting in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). The building structure and window location can contribute to attenuation, mainly the entry loss factors. The healthcare evaluated although near to broadcasting stations has safety levels for MEE utilization.

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